In the heart of the town of Roses, on the northern Catalan coast, the ruins of an ancient citadel bear witness to the tumultuous and complex history of Catalonia. This fascinating site will appeal to history enthusiasts and anyone interested in Catalonia and Spain who is staying in a campsite on the Costa Brava!

History of the Roses Citadel

The current citadel is a military fortification built around 1543 under the orders of Emperor Charles V. However, it was erected on ruins that tell 2,500 years of the town’s history. Initially, traces of a Greek trading post from the 4th century BC called Rhode can be found, which expanded into a small town. The city was conquered by the Romans in the 3rd century, later occupied by the Visigoths, Arabs, and Franks. In 960, the Benedictine monastery of Santa Maria was established on these ruins and became an abbey. The town gained importance but endured numerous attacks, even being occupied and destroyed by the French before being liberated in 1285. To protect the town from pirates and the French, the first fortifications were constructed in 1402. By the 16th century, Roses had become a strategic trade and communication port within the Habsburg Empire, to which Spain belonged at the time. Emperor Charles V ordered the construction of a citadel to defend the Gulf of Roses. In 1588, the monastery was abandoned by monks following an epidemic and was later destroyed by Napoleonic troops. In 1961, the Citadel of Roses was declared a National Historic Monument.

Visit the Museum and Archaeological Site

This well-preserved fortress is open to the public, and guided tours are available for detailed explanations of the site's history. Around the citadel, archaeological sites stretch across approximately 131,000 m²: the ruins of Rhode, the Roman city, Visigothic remains, a Paleo-Christian necropolis, the monastery of Santa Maria, medieval fortifications, and traces of various periods. Visitors are taken on a journey through the past of European civilization. In 2004, a history museum was inaugurated to showcase the citadel's 2,500 years of history and its archaeological treasures. Spread across three areas (the enclosure, museum hall, and exhibition room), numerous objects found during excavations are displayed, allowing visitors to imagine the daily lives of people in the region centuries ago. A short film about the history of the Citadel of Roses is also shown. Visitors can enjoy a cafeteria and a souvenir shop.

Prices and Opening Hours of the Roses Citadel

The entrance fee to the citadel is €4. During the summer season, the Roses Citadel Museum is open daily from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM. In June and September, it closes at 8:00 PM. From October to May, it is open from Tuesday to Sunday, 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. The museum is closed on December 25 and 26, as well as January 1 and 6.

How to Get to the Roses Citadel?

Roses is located approximately 109 kilometers from Cala Llevado Camping in Tossa de Mar. From the campsite, head north on the GI-681, then take the C-65 at Llagostera, followed by the N-II to Vilatenim. From there, the C-260 leads to Roses and its magnificent citadel, a must-visit during your holidays in Spain with family or friends. The journey takes about 1 hour and 20 minutes.